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What is "Allamej"?


A Blended Language and a Voice for All

Allamej is a hybrid language created by Rodrigo Solano as a representation of the coexistence of human diversity through the awareness of global miscegenation.

Experts say that humans are symbolic beings. They are born in places that speak languages and become subordinate to everything they learn through them. They cling to the content of their language as part of their inner being, EGO, and become emotionally alienated from the reality that includes: Humans are diverse and often exposed to their cultural differences. Language is then this symbolic place where humans find themselves segregated. Allamej would be a symbolic place that aims to encourage individuals to reflect on their attitudes towards cultural diversity.

Mixing Languages 

We use language to think, produce, and interpret meanings. Allamej (also known as Allamese or Alamês) is a hybrid or mixed language constructed from various spoken languages around the world, primarily from linguistic families such as: Bantu, Germanic, Greek, Indic, Yoruba, Japanese, Latin, Malay, Persian, Quechua, Semitic, Sino-Tibetan, Slavic, Thai, Turkish, Tupi, and others. This blend aims to represent the coexistence of diverse peoples by creating words based on different cultures and uniting them to form a language. For these words to be compatible with each other, their meanings sometimes need to be reflected upon, just as coexistence in human diversity requires reflection. Truth, God, Reality are examples of challenging words when we live segregated in different languages and cultures. Is it possible to revisit concepts to accept the reality of human diversity?

A Cross-Cultural Symbolic Dimension 

The inspiration for Allamej initially came from Esperanto. However, both the concentration of Esperanto on European languages and the purposes of creating the languages are essentially different from the beginning. As a mixed-race Brazilian from a metropolitan periphery, Solano created Allamej in a way that reflected what he could perceive in himself and the local mixed culture, which is generally common in Latin America but incorporates much more than just Latin-based languages, both ethnically and culturally—a mix of various peoples from different regions. Allamej is not a language to be spoken initially but to produce cultural questioning.

Noticing we are all Mixed! 

From this perspective, Allamej emerges with the notion that hybridization is not just a Latin American characteristic but a historical human process that happens globally with the interaction of different individuals for various reasons, including the commercialization of goods and the acquisition of knowledge. History tells us that empires maintained relations with each other and included a large number of different ethnic groups and cultures within them. The exchange of products and knowledge corroborates these interactions.

Beer was probably developed in the Middle East and is now famous in many countries, just as the potato originated in the Americas and is now part of many traditional European dishes. The Phoenician script gave rise to Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, and many others, representing a milestone in human development. In fact, it is very difficult to look at anything around us that has absolutely no influence from other cultures. 

Therefore, interculturality means progress. In this way, the productions of Allamej aim to commemorate the contributions of each people, tribe, or civilization to humanity, bringing them together in a symbolism that goes against the primitive instincts of supremacy or segregation.


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