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The word “Ab” comes from Semitic languages such as Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew and Amharic. Similar pronunciations for the same meaning may be found in several languages, including European tongues and Chinese. In Allamej it represents: father, mother and who is responsible for the child in the same level. It is possible to notice that the word corresponding to mother in several languages contains the sound "m", which is articulated in a way close to "b" sound of "ab". In Mande (a language of one of the most prominent empire located Africa back down in history) the word "mom" is said "ba". In Allamej Abin may be any genitor or responsible for a child, no matter the genter, aba to mother and abo to father.
For explanations on the letters' origin shape click Allamej Alphabet.
Posts with the word: Ab, Aba and Abo.
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