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מה יהיה? | What will be? | O que Será

 Hebrew | Hebraico

Lyrics with translation | Letras com tradução

מה יהיה?

Ma yihiyeh 

What will be?

O que Será?


מה יהיה?

Mah yihiyeh?

What will be?

O que será?


מה יהיה? היא אותו שאלה.

Mah yihiyeh? Hi oto şa’alah

What will be? She asked him

O que será? Ela perguntou a ele


רוח קדים נשבה לה,

Ru’aĥ kadim naşvah la

An easterly wind blew towards her

Um vento leste soprou em sua direção


החום עלה.

Haĥom alah

The heat rose

O calor aumentou


מה יהיה?

Mah yihiyeh?

What will be?

O que será?


מה יהיה? הוא אותה אז שאל.

Mah yihiyeh? Hu otah az şa’al

What will be? He then asked her

O que será? Ele então perguntou a ela


ארץ גדולה בכתה לה,

Eretz gdolah baĥtah la

A great land cried for her

Uma terra grandeosa chorou por ela


החום צלל.

Haĥom tzalal

The heat waned

O calor diminuiu


אז מה?

Az mah?

So, what?

E daí?


אז מה יהיה סופנו כאן בכלל?

Az mah yihiyeh sofenu kan biĥlal?

So, what will our end be here anyway?

Então, qual será o nosso fim aqui?


הן החיים קשים,

Hen haĥayim kaşim

For life is hard

Porque a vida é difícil


הם כאדמת טרשים.

Hem ke’admat traşim

Like rocky ground

Como solo rochoso


אז מה?

Az mah?

So, what?

E daí?


אז מה יהיה סופנו האומלל,

Az mah yihiye sofenu ha’umlal

So, what will be our miserable end

Então, qual será o nosso fim miserável


כאן בין סלעי ההר,

Kan bein sil’ey hahar

Here amidst the mountain rock

Aqui no meio da rocha da montanha


בין המתוק למר?

Bein hamatok lamar?

Between bitter and sweet?

Entre o amargo e o doce?


מה יהיה?

Mah yihiyeh?

What will be?

O que será?


מה יהיה. אלוהים הנורא?

Mah yihiyeh, elohim hanorah?

Almighty God, what will be?

Deus Todo-Poderoso, o que será?


כה עצובים חיינו.

Ko atzuvim ĥayenu

Our lives are so sad

Nossas vidas são tão tristes


ובוכים מרה.

Uboĥim marah

Our cry is bitter

Nosso choro é amargo


מה יהיה?

Ma yihiyeh?

What will be?

O que será?


מה יהיה אלוהים? תרחם.

Ma yihiyeh, elohim? Teraĥem

Oh Lord, what will be? Have mercy on us

Oh Senhor, o que será? Tenha misericórdia de nós


בוא, התפלל עלינו.

Bo hitpalel aleinu

Come, pray for us

Venha, ore por nós




Console us

Nos consolar


Selected part translated into Allamej - a mix of many languages   
Trecho selecionado traduzido para o allamej - uma mistura de várias línguas

Moi, je ne veux que de l'amour
All I want is love
Eu não quero senão o amor

"Miner, n'ü volem ötuh labur."


Zehava Ben

English:  Zehava Ben (born Zehava Benisti; Hebrew: זהבה בן‎; November 8, 1968) is one of the most popular Israeli female vocalists in the Mizrahi music genre; the Middle Eastern-style of singing rising from Israel's Mizrahi Jewish population, dominating Israeli music in the 1990s and popular ever since. Source: Wikipedia see more.

Português: (não disponível) 


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