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What is "Allamej"?

  A Blended Language and a Voice for All Allamej is a hybrid language created by Rodrigo Solano as a representation of the coexistence of human diversity through the awareness of global miscegenation. Experts say that humans are symbolic beings. They are born in places that speak languages and become subordinate to everything they learn through them. They cling to the content of their language as part of their inner being, EGO, and become emotionally alienated from the reality that includes: Humans are diverse and often exposed to their cultural differences. Language is then this symbolic place where humans find themselves segregated. Allamej would be a symbolic place that aims to encourage individuals to reflect on their attitudes towards cultural diversity. Mixing Languages  We use language to think, produce, and interpret meanings. Allamej (also known as Allamese or Alamês) is a hybrid or mixed language constructed from various spoken languages around the world, primarily from lingu

ëΣëɻ ʃɩeɀ̆ϱΣ | Language Partiality |

ëΣëɻ  ʃɩeɀ̆ϱΣ    ЗɩƧЗɩꞇϱ̈ Зәɀ̆eɩ̆З ɧɩɧ̇ɧ̇eɀɩ̇ʃ  ɩƧɧ̇eɻϱʃ ʃɩƧɩЗϱɻ ʃɩ̇Зeɧ̇ eɀ̆ Зɩ̇ɔeɩ̆Σ ɔϱ̈βeɔ ʃeɀ̈eƧ  ɩƧƧɩЗeɀ̆. Roman Alphabet: Ësër Haejus Malmacü mojeym bavvedih alveruh halamur himev ej mineys nüten hezel allamej. Português: Parcialidade da Língua Eu não sou a cor da pele que você certamente vê. Mas a mistura de todos os corpos do mundo que você não vê.

ɩƧƧɩЗΣәЗ | Global Body

ɔeɀ̈eЗ ʃɩɀëЗɻϱ̈≺̆ ϱɔeʃ ʃeɀ̈ϱ̈ ɧ̇ɩ̇ɀ̈eβ ӛβɩ̆ϱЗϱ̈ ʃɩЗϱ̈ɔϱ̈ ɩƧƧɩЗΣәЗ ϱɔeʃ ɔeɀ̈ϱ̈ ɧ̇ɩ̇ɀ̈eβ

Ꙇɩӛβɩ̇ა | The Other

▬   ▬   ▬   ▬   ▬   ▬   ▬ აҽɀ̈ҽპ პɩ̇აҽ ɩ̇აҽ ɀϱპҽƧ; Σҽპაҽɀ̈ҽ პ  პɩ̇აҽ ɩ̇აҽ ҽɀ̆ҽƧ;  Ꙇҽɀ̈ҽƧ ŋɩƧɧ̇ҽɀҽ̈ʅ პɩ̇აҽΣ  აҽɀ̈ҽƧ Ꙇɩӛβɩ̇ა ɩ̇აҽ ɀϱპҽƧ;  Σҽპაҽɀ̈ҽƧ Ꙇɩӛβɩ̇ა ɩ̇აҽ ҽɀ̆ҽƧ;  Ꙇҽɀ̈ҽƧ ŋɩƧɧ̇ҽɀҽ̈ʅ Ƨɩ̇აҽΣ;  Ꙇɩ̆ϱპϱ̈ Ꙇҽɀ̈ҽƧ Ꙇɩӛβɩ̇ა Σҽპҽ̈ პɩ̇აҽʅ;  Ꙇɩӛβɩ̇ა აҽɀ̈ҽƧ; Ꙇɩӛβ Ꙇҽɀ̈ҽƧ აϱʅϱ̈ ꙆɩŋɩƧɧ̇ҽɀҽ̈ʅ !   Nezem mine ine dumel;  Semnezel mine ine ejel;    Hezel palvedër mines; Nezel haötin ine dumel;    Semnezel haötin ine ejel;  Hezel palvedër lines;    Hyumü, haötin hezel semü miner;  Haötin nezel;    Haöt hezel hedü hapalvedër!  I am not the one who thinks; Nor am I the one who speaks; It’s just my history; The other is not the one who thinks; Nor is he the one who speaks; It’s just his history; So the other is nothing but the same as me; The other does not exist; The other is just the history.